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6 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Trade Show Display

Trade show displays in Alberta

Trade shows provide a fantastic opportunity to market a product or a service and catch the attention of potential buyers. Such an opportunity, however, can go to waste if you don't put together a stand-out display that expertly showcases your product.

Utilizing the expertise of a professional Vancouver show service company such as Goodkey Show Services is a must if you want an eye-catching show display. This is because, when putting together your display, you will want to:

1. Use professional-quality graphics and signage

No one is going to look twice at a trade show display covered in signage and graphics which look like they were designed at home and printed on a home printer. Using quality graphics and signage, on the other hand, is the best way to draw people in.

2. Keep the color scheme simple

Don't confuse and overwhelm visitors to your booth with dizzying, contrasting colors. Stick to a simple color scheme with two or three basic colors and that allow your graphics and signage to pop.

3. Be smart with lighting

Soft, white lights that brightly illuminate your booth, your signage, and your products are a must for any successful trade show displays. Smart use of flashing LED lights can also draw in visitors, but be careful not to overdo it.

4. Think about the flooring

Your trade show display is going to need a floor which can not only withstand the foot traffic, but which draws visitors to your booth as well. Generally, the lighter the floor you go with, the more your booth and your products will stand out.

5. Use proper trade show furniture

Using furniture, fixtures, and displays that are specifically made for trade shows can save you a lot of time and trouble setting up and taking down your booth. Don't just grab chairs and tables from home. Invest in quality exhibit furnishings instead.

6. Don't skimp on quality materials and installation

Finally, the materials and installation methods you use to put your trade show display together should also be of professional, high quality. You don't want your booth crumbling down around you during the middle of the show.

Professional Trade Show Display Fixtures & Materials in Vancouver

For all of your Vancouver trade show display fixtures, signage, decorating, furnishing, and installation needs, don't hesitate to contact the show service professionals at Goodkey Show Services.

Let your company do what it does best and focus on your product or service, and let us handle the task of making sure your trade show display advertises your products and services as effectively as possible.

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